Thursday 23 August 2007

No Photo

I woke up this morning intending to take a photo of last night's progress on the AMAP pinkeep, but was rather disoriented to discover that dawn is only just breaking at 5.45am in southern England which is I suppose mainly because the sunrise is getting later and later every day, but also attributable to the very grey, overcast, pregnant looking clouds which filled the sky from one end to another. Of course, I didn't see them for quite some while, because I wasn't quite able to pull myself from sleep in the semi-dark, meaning I was in a bit of a mad panic to get ready to leave for work. Going in early is fine in the middle of summer, but the dark mornings do make it a more difficult slog. The upshot of all this is that I didn't have any time to snap some photos of my progress, and will hopefully be able to update you tomorrow.

I'm not looking forward to my struggle home this afternoon, as it's Reading Festival this weekend, meaning my train will be full to bursting with grungy-looking 20-somethings complete with wellies, overstuffed backpacks, tents and bedrolls. Ah, it's only once a year...

Happy stitching and thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

Hazel said...

Festivals?? Must be going to rain then lol. Feel free to join in my giveaway. xx